This site will always be
"The only value we have as human beings, 
  are the risks we are willing to take."                                                                Ernest Hemingway                                                   
Copyright © 2015 - 2025 by Raymond Cannefax.  All rights reserved. No images or text from this website may be used without written permission from Raymond Cannefax,                                     

Welcome -  
    Wild mustangs and buffalo continue to roam America's deserts, desolate canyons and plateaus.  Wild they may be, gentle they are. After decades of roaming the Colorado Plateau and living in Moab for several years, the 20,000 endless roads I traveled down, down, down, took me back to my Holladay home in 2022. White-line fever has subsided, yet I recognize that I am not fully cured or immune. .  
   Thank you, Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Jefferson for: "What Reward, Without Risk?" Thanks to Edward Abbey for reinforcing the rebel spirit: "Resist Much, Obey Little". I thank Sammy Freeman, Adnan Khashoggi and all my guides for lessons provided. They provided wisdoms utilized throughout my years on this planet. 
  "Never a Dull Moment" is a philosophy to which I adhere. I cannot imagine life without challenges, learning, growth and fun filled activities, all differing some levels of risk.  I am confident the Apache Medicine Man blessing I received in 1973, remains in effect.  A Jimmy Buffet quote all of us should give thought: "I'd rather die while I'm living, than live while I'm dead."
   Chronicling The Wild that Remains is one reason for taking risks.  It allows one to experience, enjoy and share the wonders of the remaining wild & open spaces with friends and with those who can only roam the wild via the Internet. Let the photos, words, and spirit of this site take you into the wild which I have learned to enjoy and respect.  

    PROSE           &           POETRY 

The road rolls on forever...
Landsberg am Lech, Bavaria, Germany is where it all began.  
 On Dec. 11, 1981, when   America's biggest   Ballroom was being   turned into a Parking   Lot, I promoted the   Farewell Party for the   world-renown concert venue, The Terrace Ballroom.   'A Farewell to The Terrace' was the Ballroom's last event.
Salt Lake City architect, Peter Emerson, created the poster.
Claudia Appling, aka Montana Rose, opened the show with Joni Mitchell's Yellow Taxi"  They took Paradise and put up a Parking Lot."  
Cow Jazz played one hell of a concert, and a great night was enjoyed by all.
Today, December 2024, what was The Terrace Ballroom, remains a parking lot.
Contact Us
      under construction.
At 7 AM, John Florence's 'Brand New Day' program, brings musical diversity to continuously expand our musical soul. 
90.9 FM, 
Weekdays 7 - 10 AM
Property Rights  
Poems & Short Stories from my upcoming book:
Love & Hate
Flames that fuel the Fire
 Release date, mid-2025.
The Terrace Ballroom's Curtain Call -
EAS is a life-saving technology developed with a commitment from the U.S. DOT of a grant. When Pres. Obama change the Sec. of Transportation in 2017, from Ray LaHood to Anthony Foxx, that promise of the grant vanished with Mr. LaHood. Anthony Foxx had no interest in this technology telling me it was for the industry to create.
I was going to delete this information but felt it significant enough to leave in place. The auto industry could easily implement this with simply reprogramming car electronics to include a signal receiver that accepts transmissions from emergency vehicles engaged in a roadway emergency. It is now March 2025, and no further progress has been made. FIRST RESPONDERS continue to get slaughtered.
Your comments and opinions about this site are welcome. 

Backroads Utah is  photographically preserving Utah's rural communities and places of historical significant on Utah's back roads.
NEW   June 3, 2023
Photography has links to many photo excursions. Links on this page will take you to some of the most visited pages.
"In wildness is the preservation of the world."
                                                  - Henry David Thoreau
 "Inspiration knows not how to tell time.
                      she comes when she wants."
                                                                        R. P. Cannefax
UPDATED February 1, 2025
 In March 15, 2025 I teach a course on Hovenweep at the U of U. To enroll, go to: